About Me

I am a local artist with an eclectic style of creating jewelry. I use hard wire to soft crochet, shells from Charleston beaches or porcelain pieces, from the smallest of seed beads to chunky natural gemstones.

I am influenced by antique jewelry as well as appreciate modern and minimalist styles.

I hope you enjoy my webpage and collection. I welcome any comments or input you may have!

I have previously sold my jewelry at local markets, but now this is not an option due to corona virus. You can, however, find my jewelry for sale at Katie Mae’s in Summerville, SC.

Katie Mae’s Klassy Flea & Antique Market

140-a W. Richardson Ave.

Summerville, SC 29483

Please come visit this wonderful shop!

With gratitude I thank you for taking the time to visit my web site!

Stay Safe & Well,

 Mary Dixon